
On this page, I'm sharing some things I'm proud of from the last 10 years of photography, with a little storytelling. I'll start at the beginning of my photography career and if you scroll down, you'll find my most recent work.


In 2016, I had an interview for a girls' magazine. I talked about how I started with photography - sneaking my camera past security, finding the best lighting, and capturing festivals. It was fun sharing my story and hopefully inspiring other girls to pursue creativity.


In 2017, a portrait series from a festival was released, which I had worked on with three other girls in the summer of 2016. These were the first photos of mine that I ever saw hanging in the city on prints, and I felt incredibly proud. The only catch was that neither we nor the people we had photographed had been informed about the release of these photos. Many people unexpectedly could see themselves while driving to work and sometimes didn't react too positively. My first prints taught me a lot about portrait rights and working with contracts.

Het patrool 2017


In the winter of 2018, I had the opportunity to create my very own photo series intended for a city-wide print campaign, and I was thrilled. I had the privilege of photographing artists, event organizers, and performers in Amsterdam, capturing them in places of personal significance and importance. This series spanned 50 locations in three days, and I braved the icy cold weather on my bike, sometimes even with studio lights strapped to it, just to get the perfect shots.

It was an exciting and enjoyable experience getting to briefly know all these people, and I was proud of the photo series that came out of it.

Kopstootbar 2018


Me and a friend who's a portrait photographer, decided to do something different – focusing on portrait photography at festivals. We were so over those typical event albums, so we flipped the script, shooting everything vertically and putting the focus on people. It was a first in Amsterdam's event scene, we called it 'In Your Face Agency and Amsterdam Open Air made a little movie about it.


Along with two other photographers, I had the opportunity to showcase my prints in the Toren Café; Adam & Co for a duration of three months. It marked the first time I had personally printed my photos in high quality on aluminum. It served as a great excuse to invite friends and host a fun opening party. I never actually sold a print, but the satisfaction of seeing them displayed and having my mother and friends attend the exhibition was rewarding in itself.


This time, I found myself in the newspaper. This year, I started traveling. After living in Denmark for six months, I traveled to India for three months to volunteer at various locations. During a protest for a water shortage in a small village in Bihar, I got photographed, probably because I was the only blonde person they had seen there in a very long time. You can find more about this trip and the photos in the 'Volunteer Work' section.


The start of the epidemic. These photo series bring mixed feelings for me. It was a tragic time, but it also became a lifeline for me as a photographer to survive the lockdowns. All my work slowly vanished as I generated a lot of income through event photography. For about 2 years, I shot portrait series for the government that ended up on billboards all across the Netherlands and were spread through social media.


This year, I started a photo studio on Weesperstraat with two other photographers. They were much more experienced with studio lights and equipment. I used flashes occasionally but mostly relied on natural daylight. I was really impressed by their mastery of light. For me, light had always been something you had to adapt to, but here, you had to create it yourself. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

Over the course of this year and the following ones, I learned a great deal about studio lighting and also discovered how pricey good lighting equipment could be. Everything I earned went into acquiring new gear. You can find more studio photography under the 'Studio Photography' section.


I had the chance to photograph a portrait campaign for the city of Amsterdam, motivating people, especially the younger people, to get out and vote.


This year, I had the opportunity to shoot two campaigns for Inholland, where I photographed students at three different schools. These campaigns were featured on billboards in Amsterdam and spread online.